Sunday October 9th, 2016
The Marble Cone of Francesco Celebrano on the Major Altar of the Sansevero Chapel
Maintenance intervention in the presbytery area of the Sansevero Chapel
5 september – 19 october
From September 5th, the site for maintenance of the Major Altar and the presbytery area in the Chapel of Sansevero is under way.
The intervention will last until October 19th and will be carried out with the supervision of “Archaeological Superintendence, Fine and Landscape Arts for the City of Naples” by Dr. Angela Schiattarella and restorer Teresa Donadio.
In detail the monuments undergoing maintenance: the Major Altar with the marble cone depicting the Deposition opera by Francesco Celebrano executed after 1762, the marble angels at the sides of the altar of Paul Persico, the angel ring of angels in stucco again of Paolo Persico, the monument to Alessandro de Sangro, dated 1652, the crown at the right of the altar, the paintings of the vault of Francesco Maria Russo of 1749 and finally the stucco frame with the frieze in fake marble, ancient yellow.
The intervention will also be an opportunity to deepen the knowledge of building materials, execution techniques and conservation status.
Have taken part into the site Pietro Alba, Francesco Coletta, Mario Coppola, Anna De Biase, Alessia Di Ruggiero, Isabella Fiorentino, Carmela Francesca Pagano, Salvatore Sgueglia, Giuseppe Giordano technical director of R.O.M.A. Consorzio.
Rif. Bibl. “Sansevero Chapel Museum”, text by Fazio Macci, photos by Laura Eboli, Teta Pitteri, Massimo Velo, Alòs edizioni sas, 2015 Naples
- Foto Salvatore De Stefano
- Foto Salvatore De Stefano
- Foto R.O.M.A. consorzio
- Foto R.O.M.A. consorzio
- Foto R.O.M.A. consorzio
- Foto R.O.M.A. consorzio
- Foto R.O.M.A. consorzio
- Foto R.O.M.A. consorzio
- Foto R.O.M.A. consorzio
- Foto R.O.M.A. consorzio